Coordination Team
The coordination team of iBehave network is responsible for the day-to-day management and operation of the network. The coordination team is composed of spokesperson, scientific and administrative coordinators who work together to ensure that the network’s activities and projects are conducted in an efficient and effective manner and are aligned with the network’s overall mission and goals.
The administrative team is responsible for managing the network’s finances, human resources, and communication with stakeholders, such as principal investigators, young researchers, and external partners. We are responsible for organizing scientific seminars, Annual meetings of the network members, workshops, public outreach activities, social gatherings for young researchers and other events to facilitate collaboration and communication within the network and with external partners.
We work with members of the network’s scientific steering committees for overseeing specific research projects or initiatives within the network. The coordination team works closely with the network’s leadership team and other stakeholders to develop and implement research plans and strategies, and to facilitate collaboration and communication within the network and with external partners. We play a crucial role in ensuring that the network’s activities and projects are conducted in an effective and impactful way, and that they contribute to the advancement of the scientific field.

Prof. Dr. Ilona Grunwald Kadow
Director, Institute of Physiology II,
Head of Behavioral Neurogenetics Group
Nussallee 11
53115 Bonn
Email: ibehave[@]

Dr. Sarah Imtiaz
Scientific Coordinator for iBehave Network
University of Bonn
Institute for Physiology II
Nussallee 11
53115 Bonn
Email: sarah.imtiaz[@]
Email: simtiaz[@]

Dr. Sarah Imtiaz
Scientific Coordinator for iBehave Network
University of Bonn
Institute for Physiology II
Nussallee 11
53115 Bonn
Email: sarah.imtiaz[@]
Email: simtiaz[@]

Anke Krämer
Assistance Coordinator for iBehave Network
University of Bonn
Institute for Physiology II
Nussallee 11
53115 Bonn
Tel. 0228 287 53256

Anke Krämer
Assistance Coordinator for iBehave Network
University of Bonn
Institute for Physiology II
Nussallee 11
53115 Bonn
Tel. 0228 287 53256